Easy way to organize Technical Interviews and Hackathons in AWS Cloud Sandbox

Gamified sandbox with real-world scenarios to solve

Currently in closed beta.

Key Features

Boost your skills assessment

Instant access to real-world tasks for real-company needs.

Zero config

We handle all the needed AWS infrastructure.

Carefully crafted scenarios

You will be granted access to real AWS account, like in regular work environment.

How it works

Step 1

Choose your Task and carefuly read it's description.

Step 2

Click on START button and wait for the new tab to open. Don't close CloudMaster's tab!

Step 3

Do your magic, solve it!

Step 4

Go back to CloudMaster and click on the VALIDATE button. If the task was solved correctly, you will get a confirmation and prize coins will be added to your account.


Now you can start another lesson, previous environment will be purged.

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